

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z +

RRatfor file (FORTRAN Preprocessor)
RResource file (Pegasus Mail)
RASound file (RealAudio)
RADRadar data file (Radar ViewPoint)
RAMMetafile (RealAudio)
RAOReadAllOver (YOUniverse)
RARRAR compressed archive (Eugene Roshall's format)
RASBitmap (Sun Raster Images)
RATDatafile (RATS)
RAWRaw File Format (bitmap)
RAWRaw signed PCM data
RAWRaw signed PCM data
RBFDatafile (Rbase)
RBHMaintained by RoboHELP, the RBH file adds to the information contained in the Help project file
RCResource script (Micosoft C/C++)
RCResource script (Borland C++)
RCConfiguration file (emacs)
RCGNewsgroup file (Netscape)
RD1Registered level file (Descent1)
RDFResource Description Framework file (related to XML and metadata)
RDFCompiled UIC source code (Geoworks UI Compiler)
RDFResearch document information format
RDIDevice-independent bitmap file
RDLRegistered Level file (Descent)
RDXDatafile (Reflex)
RECDatafile (EpiInfo)
RECRecorded macro (Microsoft Windows 3.x)
RECVoice file (RapidComm)
RECRecord file (Sprint)
REDPath information file (Clarion Modula-2)
REFReference file (Generic)
REGRegistration file
REGRegistration file (Corel)
REGOLE registration file (Microsoft Windows 3.x)
REMRemarks file (Generic)
REPReply file (QWK Reader)
REPReport file (Visual dBase)
REPReport file (Report Designer)
REPReport file (DataBoss)
REPReport file (CodeReporter)
REQRequest file (Generic)
RESResource file (Microsoft Visual C++)
RESCompiled resource file (Borland C++)
RESResource file (dBase IV)
REVRevision file (GeoWorks)
REXSource code file (REXX)
REXReport definition (Oracle)
REZResource file (Generic)
RFRaster graphics file (Sun)
RFTRevisable Form Text (part of IBM's DCA or Document Content Architecture)
RGB, SGIRGB files (Silicon Graphics)
RGXSymbol tables (ReaGeniX code generator)
RHResource header file (Borland C++ 4.5)
RIData file (Lotus 1-2-3)
RIBGraphics in Renderman format (3DReality)
RICFax document (Ricoh)
RIFRIFF bitmap graphics (Fractal Design Painter)
RIFImage file (Metacreations Painter 5)
RIPGraphics (remote access)
RIXBitmap graphics (ColorRIX VGA Paint)
RL1Regestered level file (Descent1)
RL2Registered level file (Descent2)
RL4Bitmap graphics file
RL8Bitmap graphics file
RLAWavefront raster image (SDSC Image Tool)
RLBData file (Harvard Graphics Win 9.x)
RLCGraphics file (1 bit per pixel scanner output file)
RLERun-Length Encoded bitmap (SDSC Image Tool)
RLZRealizer source code file (CA-Realizer)
RMVideo file (RealAudio)
RMDDocument (Microsoft RegMaid)
RMFRich Map Format (used by 3-D game editors to store a map)
RMFRich music format (Beatnik)
RMKMakefile (Clipper RMake)
RNXpl Program file (Nota Bene)
RNDRendering slide (AutoCAD-AutoShade)
RNORunoff file (VAX)
ROLFM music Adlib Music file (Roland)
ROMCartridge-based home video game emulator file (exact copy of ROM contents in cartridges from Atari 2600, Colecovision, Sega, Nintendo, etc.; not interchangeable between emulators)
ROVData file (Rescue Rover)
RPDDatabase (RapidFire)
RPLText document (Replica)
RPLVideo file (Tomb Raider)
RPMPackage Manager (RedHat Linux)
RPTCrystal Reports file ( and a sub-set of Microsoft Visual Basic)
RRSSaved game file (Ace Road Rash)
RSDatafile (Amiga Resource Reassembler)
RSBRed Storm bitmap (Rainbow 6 (Game) and several image editing programs)
RSCResource file (Generic)
RSLParadox 7 reports (Broderland)
RSMResume file (WinWay Resume Writer)
RSPResponse file (Generic)
RS_Resourse fork file (Macintosh Mac-ette)
RTFRich Text Format document
RTFHelp file script (Microsoft Windows 9.x)
RTLRun Time library (NU 7.0)
RTMMusic module (MOD) (Real Tracker)
RTKUsed by RoboHELP to simulate the search feature of Windows help
RTLText file (Generic)
RTPSoftware update package data file (RTpatch)
RTSRTSL document (RealAudio)
RTSRuntime library file (CA-Realizer)
RTSRoboHELP to speed complex operations
RULExtension used in InstallShield
RUNCompiled output p-code file (Softworks basic compiler) (SoftworksLtd)
RVPScan Configuration file (MIME) (Microsoft)
RVWReview file (Generic)
RWSResource Workshop data file (Borland C++)
RWXScript file (RenderWare)
RXXRAR compressed files from a multi-volume archive (xx = a number from 01 to 99)
R8Raw graphics (One byte per pixel) plane one (PicLab)
R8PPcl 4 bitmap font (Intellifont)

  2010 Liberty Boy