

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z +

K25Sample file (Kurzweil 2500)
KARMIDI file (text+MIDI) (Karaoke)
KBKeyboard script (Borland C++ 4.5)
KBProgram source code (Knowledge Pro)
KBDKeyboard mapping script (Procomm Plus, LocoScript, Signature)
KBMKeyboard mapping script (Reflection 4.0)
KCLLisp source code (Kyoto Common Lisp)
KDCImage (Kodak Photo-Enhancer)
KEYIcon toolbar (DataCAD)
KEYDatafile (Forecast Pro)
KEYKeyboard Macro
KEYSecurity file (Such as a software registration number)
KFXImage (KoFax Group 4)
KIZDigital postcard (Kodak)
KKWContains all K-keywords in the RoboHELP Help project Index Designer not associated with topics
KMPKeyMaP (Korg Trinity)
KPPToolpad (SmartPad)
KPSBitmap graphic (IBM KIPS)
KQPNative Camera file (Konica)
KR1Sample (multi-floppy) file (Kurzweil 2000)
KRZSample file (Kurzweil 2000)
KSFSample File (Korg Trinity)
KYBKeyboard mapping (FTP)
KYEGame data (Kye)

  2010 Liberty Boy