H | Program header (C) |
HA | Compressed archive (HA) |
HAL | Hal add-on file (Lotus 1-2-3) |
HAM | Driver file (Novell Netware) |
HAM | Vector graphics saved file (Amiga) |
HAP | Compressed archive (HA) |
HBK | Handbook (MathCad) |
HBK | Accounting data file (Humanic Software) |
HCM | Configuration file (IBM HCM) |
HCOM | Sound Tools file (HCOM) |
HCR | Production configuration file (IBM HCD/HCM) |
HDA | Document file (HotDocs) |
HDF | National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Geospatial Hierarchical Data format |
HDF | Help file (Help development kit) |
HDF | Hierarchical data file |
HDL | Alternate download listing (ProComm Plus) |
HDR | Database header (Pc-File+) |
HDR | Datafile (Egret) |
HDR | Message header text (ProComm Plus) |
HDR | Message header text (1st Reader) |
HDW | Vector graphics (Harvard Draw) |
HDX | Help index (AutoCAD) |
HDX | Help index (Zortech C++) |
HED | Document (HighEdit) |
HEL | Hellbender saved game (Microsoft) |
HEX | Macintosh BinHex 2.0 file |
HFI | HP font info (GEM) |
HFX | Data file (US Robotics Rapid Comm Voice) |
HGL | Drawing file (HP Graphics Language) |
HH | Help system map (Generic) |
HH | Header file (C++) |
HHH | Precompiled header (Power C) |
HHP | Help information for remote users (ProComm Plus) |
HIT | Audio file (HitPlayer) |
HLB | Help library (VAX) |
HLP | Help file (Generic) |
HLP | Windows Help file (DataCAD) |
HMI | Human machine interfaces MIDI music file (Descent) |
HMM | Alternate mail read option menu (ProComm Plus) |
HMP | Human machine interfaces MIDI music file (Descent) |
HMP | Database file (InfoMgr) |
HNC | Program files (CNC) |
HOG | Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD file |
HOG | Mission file (Descent 1-2) |
HOG | Main data package file (Descent3) |
HOT | Document file (HotSend) |
HP8 | Ascii text Roman8 character set (NewWave Write) |
HPC | Font language file (Hewlett-Packard) |
HPF | HP LaserJet font (Adobe Pagemaker) |
HPF | Partial download file (HotLine) |
HPG | HPGL Plotter vector graphics (AutoCAD) |
HPG | HPGL Plotter vector graphics (Harvard Graphics) |
HPI | Font information (GEM) |
HPJ | Help Project file (Visual Basic) |
HPK | Compressed archive (HPACK) |
HPM | Emm text (HP NewWave) |
HPM | Alternative menu for privileged users (ProComm Plus) |
HPP | Program header (C++) |
HPP | Database file (InfoMgr) |
HPP | Header file (Zortech C++) |
HQX | BinHex (Macintosh 4.0) |
HRF | Rastor graphic (Hitachi) |
HRM | Alternate menu for limited users (ProComm Plus) |
HS2 | Monochrome image (Postering) |
HSC | FM synthesized music file (Used by many old games, e.g.:FINTRIS, ROL) |
HSI | Graphic (Handmade Software, Inc.) |
HST | History file (Generic) |
HST | History file (ProComm Plus) |
HT | HyperTerminal file |
HTA | A HTML file that has been used to by viruses to update the system registry |
HTM | A Web page (a file containing Hypertext Markup Language - HTML - markup) |
HTML | A Web page (a file containing Hypertext Markup Language - HTML - markup) |
HTT | Hypertext template (Microsoft) |
HTX | Template (Extended HTML) |
HWD | Presentation (Hollywood) |
HWP | Korean word processor document format (HanGul) |
HXM | HAM extension (Descent2) |
HXM | Alternate protocal selection menu (ProComm Plus) |
HXX | Header file (C++) |
HY1 | Hyphenation algorythm (Ventura Publisher) |
HY2 | Hyphenation algorythm (Ventura Publisher) |
HYC | Datafile (Microsoft WordPerfect for Windows) |
HYD | Hyphenation dictionary (Microsoft WordPerfect for Windows) |
HYM | 3D Image binary file (Hymarc Scandata Scanner) |
HYP | Compressed archive (HYPER) |
H! | On-line Help (Flambeaux Help!) |
H++ | Header file (C++) |
H-- | Header file (Sphinx C--) |